The Mold Inspection Checklist

The Mold Inspection Checklist: 8 Steps to Take Before the Inspector Arrives

Finding mold in your home can be a scary situation. However, a professional mold inspection helps you understand the full scope of the problem so proper remediation can be done.

As a mold inspector myself, I know firsthand how important preparation is before I arrive at a home. When my clients take the time to follow some key steps ahead of our appointment, it ensures the inspection process goes smoothly.

In this post, I’ll provide my mold inspection checklist of what I recommend you do to get ready for the inspector. Following these tips sets us both up for success in identifying all mold issues efficiently.

1. Pre-Inspect the Home Yourself

It’s helpful if you do a preliminary walkthrough on your own beforehand. Make notes of any visible mold, moisture damage, or musty odors in each room. This gives me a heads up on potential problem areas to scrutinize closer.

Pay special attention to damp basements, crawlspaces, bathrooms, and anywhere that sees a lot of humidity. But also be sure to peek inside closets, cabinets, and behind furniture for hidden issues.

2. Take Photos

Snap some photos of anything concerning you notice—suspicious spots, dripping condensation, warped floorboards, etc. Images are useful for documenting the issues and help me estimate the severity level. Email the photos prior to the inspection so I know what I’m walking into!

3. Clear Access to All Areas

To thoroughly inspect everything, I need to access crawlspaces, attics, basements, HVAC systems, and more. Please clear out clutter and make sure these spaces are accessible. Move furniture away from walls so I can scan the entire room.

If there are locked rooms or sections that are off-limits, make sure to provide keys ahead of time. I want to check the entire premises to identify all mold colonies, including areas you may not think are problematic.

4. Inform Tenants/Family Members

If you have renters, children, roommates, or anyone else residing in the property, give them a courtesy heads-up that I’ll be inspecting. This prevents spooking anyone when a stranger shows up!

Let them know I may look behind furniture and personal belongings. Assure them I’ll be minimally invasive. The inspection takes 2-3 hours including time to discuss findings and next steps.

5. Turn Off the HVAC System

Please switch off any heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at least 4 hours before I arrive. This allows time for mold spores in the air to settle so I can collect accurate air samples.

6. Provide Background on any Problem Areas

Tip me off on conditions you think led to the mold like leaks, floods, condensation buildup etc. Let me know if you’ve already tried any DIY mold removal too. This background intel helps me evaluate how far the mold may have spread.

If certain spots feel colder or more humid to you, point those areas out as well. Any info you provide helps me know where to scrutinize closely with moisture meters and other diagnostics.

7. Decide If You Want Mold Lab Testing

I offer mold testing services where samples are sent to a microbiology lab to identify the exact species present. The pros are knowing the mold types and potential health hazards. Cons are added costs and extra time waiting for results.

Think about if lab verification is right for your situation and budget. I’m happy to discuss options so you can decide before I visit.

8. Don’t Try Any Removal Beforehand

I know the urge to start wiping down obvious mold immediately. But do NOT attempt any kind of mold removal or remediation before my assessment! This can unintentionally make matters worse and spread spores.

Any cleaning or demolition needs professional containment practices I’ll outline after identifying all mold in the home. Leaving things untouched allows me to see the full scope.

Following my pre-inspection checklist sets you up for the most effective, efficient mold inspection possible. If you have any other questions before my visit, don’t hesitate to contact me. I know mold situations cause stress. Proper preparation gets us the answers and solutions you need as quickly as possible.

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